Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I always worried this day would come...

My child is officially the kid with the booger nose. Ugh. Her nose has been running non-stop, and she absolutely detests having her nose wiped! We have to pin her down, and endure glass-breaking, high-pitched, shrill screams that reach decibels in the damaging levels just to get one quick wipe. She is an oddity: either calm as a cucumber or madder than a wet hen; there just is no inbetween! And that is why we love her.


Heather said...

Ah yes, the child with the booger nose. Well, just don't let the public see her lick it all with her tongue :0)Good luck figuring out how to stop or at least wipe her nose :0)

Sarah Young said...

I've never heard the phrase 'madder than a wet hen' before! That's fuuny! I can hardly picture her mad after seeing that video of her giggling and being so cute!

valerie said...

As long as you are good at keeping her clean (which I have no doubt that you do) there is nothing else to help that darn running nose! Just remember there are moms out there who don't care that their child has a big huge blob of boogers hanging from their noses, and they it gets crusty and dry and then they come over to your child and want to play.....ugh!! One of my many pet peeves.....