Thursday, August 21, 2008

Some randoms....

1.) I love these

Choc-colossal Crunch. Yum. And believe me, I was also a skeptic when my self-proclaimed-cereal-expert sister told me they were delicious. After all, she did also recommend Reese's Puffs. Who eats candy bar flavored cereal first thing in the morning? My sister Brookann.

But alas, they are delish. Try them, And before you roll your eyes at my lack of nutritional discretion, these babies have fewer cals than many of my "health cereals," which is basically code for not as good tasting cereal.

2.) I love these:

If you are doing laundry without these, you are doubling your work load! I do Amaya's laundry all in one load. Yup, one load of whites, red, blue, pink, pink, pink and these beauties catch anything that bleeds.

3.) I do not love this:

I am all about being environmentally friendly, which is why I bought this in the first place, but not at the cost of my hygiene, or my smell! I am seriously thinking it is leaving my clothes smelling musty... not at all the fresh, lavender smell it boasts. I can't figure out what else it could be. You know the smell when you leave your clothes in the wash too long? Sorta that smell, except that I'm not leaving them in too long, and I do a bleach load every 3-4 clothing loads, so I know it's not my washer. What else could it be? Has anyone else tried this? Same result? Is it just me and my crazy blood hound-esque sniffer?!


Malissa said...

Ooohh I love to try new things. And I love cereal, so I guess I'll have to see if you're telling the truth! I've seen the Shout thing on tv before. I don't know if I can break my crazy OCD laundry rituals but it would sure be nice to break up those 13 categorized loads! Since you are so eco-friendly, have you ever tried Shaklee??? I am addicted. It has a whole line of cleaning products that is also very kid-friendly. I can actually let Kaylee clean with me and not have to worry about harmful chemicals (you can bathe your kids in the stuff!) And they have this stuff called Scour Off that seriously R-O-C-K-S! As far as the musty thing... hmm... that's strange. Do you have a frontloader? I've heard they can build up mildew around the door (where the rubber is) and can be really hard to get out.

Malissa said...

Oh and when it comes party time for Kendal I have some fun food ideas for you - just remind me. :-)

Ximena said...

Totally going to try the cereal! Daniel loves cereal. The Shout things I saw at the grocery store last night but didnt really look at them. I do like 8 different loads of Laila's clothes. I am going to try them suckers. :) Haven't heard anything about the detergent. Although, it doesn't surprise me. I am a die-hard Tide/Downy/Bounce girl! Cant get enough!

Anonymous said...

Those products look great...except for "Mr. Musty"! It sounds, from other posts, that you are very neat and clean and, I'm sure it's not you or your washer!
Do you have any suggestions for something that will take crayon off the wall? Somebody (Cache) gave baby a crayon, not even the whole crayon, just the tip and she scribbled on the wall! AAAAaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

valerie said...

Seriously going to try the shout thing, I am always too scared to do my whites with my colors....are you positive it doesn't bleed??
Did you buy the wintree at costco? if so take it back!! hehehe
I think I have tried the captain crunch kind of the choco stuff, not bad. I have to eat at least 2 bowls of cereal a day to make me happy, one in the morning and one at we go through lots and lots of cereal, plus I have to keep buying diff kinds so I don't get bored!

It is so funny that you talk about the changeling. I saw that they are making a movie with that title, but its not the same story. I couldn't remember who I saw it with.....of course it was you! No one in my fam remembers that movie, but I remember it was so stinkin scary. I hate scary movies.....I have a really really hard time watching them nowadays. Not sure it was MY idea to watch it...but whatever!
and as for the prego belly, I just got lucky in that pic, I was standing back and it hid it luckily. But I assure you its there....I am practically out of my regular shirts....still fit in my pants thank goodness.
hey is this comment long enough...didn't think it was! :)

Heather said...

I was thinking I would buy environmently friendly soap when our massive box from Costco ran out...but now that you say it may stink up my clothes I will reconsider. Perhaps try a different brand and if you get the same result- ditch the stuff. We may want to help the tree huggers, but we don't have to smell like them. Also, I may have to give the Shout color catcher a go- I am usually good about seperating, but sometimes I don't have enough of one for a full load. I love candybar flavored cereal- I am with your sis on Reese's puffs- yum.