Thursday, April 16, 2009


A) There IS in fact a solution for the dreaded chocolate milk stain: a nice long soak in Oxy Clean (oh blessed Oxy: buy it; use it; love it) and a HOT, yes you read that correctly- HOT wash. And just to be safe- hang dry, in the unlikely event that the process needs to be repeated.

B) I did, in fact, meet my quota for cooking two meals this week; in fact I went above and beyond and did three: I rule!

C) I have a camcorder. I was uber excited to get it because I wanted to document the adorableness of my children and their growing stages. I have a camcorder that I cannot use, for lack of cords. Also a cell phone that has no charger. My house seems to be eating useful cords, and spewing up inutile ones.

D) I had the enlightening experience of accidentally injecting myself (in the thumb) with my daughter's epi pen. It startled me. And then it made it my heart race and my hands shake. And then it made my thumb pulsate and swell to the point that I truly wondered if it would fall off. And then it remained white, and freezing cold for several hours. And then I called Poison Control and was instructed to go to the ER to avoid tissue and never damage. And then I rejected said advice and ran it under hot water and did warm compresses and massages. And then I woke up the next morning with a pink, healthy, purple bruised thumb that is fully functioning.

meaty thigh through Levis- yes
Big needle into small thumbs- no


Sarah Young said...

Holy cow! Which one of the girls needs an epi pen? I didn't know they had allergies! I'm glad you saved big $$$ by saving yourself a trip to the ER. That would have stunk if you went, waited hours, caught a virus, had to sell your first born and then were told to do compresses and massage. Ain't that always the way! ;)

Ana Lee said...

Good job making 3 meals! haha. I'm glad you have your thumb, geez!

Tara said...

That's some funny sh!t :) I'm looking forward to Zumba-ing and already warned my hubby that I may be a weekly attendant. Hazzah!

Tara said...

...and that thigh hardly looks meatly ; )

Beth said...

So glad the oxi clean worked! I have accumulated more knowledge regarding stains than I care to admit with 8.5 years of parenting. Oxi clean is pretty much the miracle solution for all of them. I wish I'd thought of it on my own, a mom with more experience told me to try it.

Lindsey said...

Holy cow. . .note to self, don't use Addie's epipen on myself, ever! That didn't sound fun!