Friday, April 10, 2009

Remember when I used to blog?!

Well, it was bound to happen... my brain would get too boggled with random, unimportant, useless (or maybe not), pieces of information that were begging to be released, and since this is my medium for such tidbits, the time has come for another random post.

I would love to post videos of my all-too-adorable daughters doing new and exciting things (like Kendal saying "I looooo youu" in the most adorable voice ever, and talking up a storm; or Amaya asking, ahem, very probing questions) But alas, I can't find the cord to my camcorder, or the cord for my camera's battery charger, or the cord to charge my phone. So. No pics, yet.

But here are some randoms:

a) it pains my soul that the Costco here does not sell delicious Naked orange juice. For a quick look at my feelings about Naked see this post.

b) I have found hard surface floors through the entire house quite delightful for spills and such, less enjoyable for footed jammies and socked feet.

c) Chocolate milk does not want to come out of kids' clothes, no matter how hard I try.

d) I have found a use for the Swiffer dry mop that may be even more exciting than its intended purpose:

It is a big flat surface on a long handle, which makes it perfect for killing spiders from a further, less nerve-racking distance. Particularly on ceilings, where former methods such as hitting with a shoe, required way too close contact and the likely possibility that I would miss, and it would fall, somewhere; which explains why I never could do that. For a quick look at my feelings on spiders- see this post.

e) secretly I like having to fit everything we own in smaller spaces, as it forces efficiency and organization- two things I love. Our home feels very cozy. I like it.

f) I might cook a real meal two days in a row next week, but don't bet your tax return on it.


Ximena said...

I love you! Hillary-ousness! :) Am I as good as Tara?

BTW Tara Bolin Hill and I were discussing how creative your Blog titles were the other night :)

Anyway- Naked Orange juice I still need to try.
Chocolate milk- really? Hmm now I want to do a test.
Your floors- I know because my daughter ate it on them a few days ago. :(
Cooking- 2 days? Damn girl! Make your husband some dinner! :)

Love you!

Heather said...

I'd send you some O.J. but I just don't think it would be that good by the time it reached you. Can't wait to see the new place, so good luck finding all missing cords to make that possible. Sorry to confuse you on the belly picture- no it's not mine, but trust me I look at it and think, "Hey, that is my belly!" I might be brave enough to post mine, but I haven't gotten around to taking pictures of that part of my body......

Tara said...

Bahaha... I like to think I'm clever, or atleast dorky : ) Hill, love the post and am antsy in my pantsy for some pics of your beauties and new diggs!

Sarah Young said...

I love that we share an irrational fear of spiders and also a love of efficiency and organization. However, my house isn't that big and is still a hot mess at the current moment... maybe I should get my boo-tay off the computer and go harness your energy!

Malissa said...

Yes, I do remember the days when you were an avid blogger. I think I was once upon a time too. But, I don't have a good excuse like moving into a new house which you are completely renovating. Nope, nothing like that. Apparently, I am just a slacker. And yes, I do think you should post more often b/c I find you quite hilarious! Oh, and I concur... chocolate milk is the worst. Who knew?

Ana Lee said...

You're so entertaining. I'm glad you don't cook real meals every day :) haha.

Staci Davies said...

I have issues with getting chocolate milk out too! Let me know if you find out any tricks, I've tried lots, but can't find the winner...

Beth said...

You know your cousin Nathan's wife???

Try OXY Clean if you haven't already.
Scrub it first, then soak for awhile in HOT. It works wonders on nearly everything. The only thing it didn't take out was an ink stain on a dress shirt that sat around too long before trying to wash.

ps. Your daughters are precious! Come visit our blog sometime.

hilla said...

BETH!! Great minds think alike! I did in fact get the milk out doing that very thing. Two days soak in oxy, and a hot wash- viola!

Abby Stimpson said...

You crack me :) LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing!